主題 : 菲律賓郵局員工使用假郵票當掛號信郵資
級別: 郵務士
UID: 3871
精華: 0
發帖: 286
升級點數: 152 點
金錢: 916 金幣
線上時間: 387(時)
註冊時間: 2008-03-22
最後登錄: 2022-08-27
樓主  發表於: 2011-03-12 00:52


剛剛在"facebook"看到菲律賓朋友貼的一封投訴信,大致內容是說他在菲律賓國內各地旅遊時,有寄信給自己的習慣,除了當紀念品又可收集郵戳(這點跟我真像),就在他去 Paoay Post Office (Zip:  2902) in Ilocos Norte寄信時發生了郵務人員使用假郵票的事情,因此他把這事向該國郵政高層反映.



Quezon City
08 March 2011

Atty. Antonio Z. de Guzman, CESO I
Postmaster General
Philippine Postal Corporation
Liwasang Bonfiacio 1000

Re: Case of Postal Fraud
Cc: Ms. Elenita DL San Diego

Dear Atty. de Guzman,

Dear Atty. de Guzman,

                 I have been meaning to write this letter for quite some time now, but  circumstance has not afforded me the luxury of free time to do so until  now. Nonetheless, I hope that the passage of time will not hold  prejudice against the gravity of the matter at hand.
                 In January of this year, I was on a trip to the Ilocos region and I  visited the usual tourist attractions; Vigan, Bangui, Pagudpud, and  Paoay. As is my usual practice when on a trip away from home, I made  sure to send myself some covers as souvenirs from my trip to add to my  collection. I do this as much as possible whenever I travel as I am a  cover collector interested in collecting as many different postmarks as  possible. This is why the covers I send are addressed both to and from  my address.
                One of the post offices that I visited  during the trip to send myself a cover was the Paoay Post Office (Zip:  2902) in Ilocos Norte. It is a small and run-down post office, as can be  expected from small provincial Philpost branches. When I visited, I  believe that there was only one postal clerk to attend to customers, of  which I suspect there are few anyhow.
                At any rate,  I had a terrible experience at the Paoay Post Office. The postal clerk  was rude and seemed as though she would rather be doing something else  (although I cannot blame her, really). I try my best to be polite to  these older ladies who work at post offices because I understand their  plight, but this old lady was certainly a tough nut and I left the post  office upset with what transpired during my visit.
                 What upset me most was the fact that she refused to frank my covers  with postage stamps and then tie the stamps to the cover in front of me  so that I would know what to expect in my postal box when the letter  would arrive (postal clerks do this for me most of the time – even  abroad). It was not the lack of postage stamps that kept her from doing  so as I saw with my own two eyes that she had a canister of the recent  marine biodiversity definitive stamps. I kept insisting on her to frank  my envelope, but it seemed as though my requests were falling on deaf  ears as she was giving the cold shoulder. All she did was stuff my  envelope in the canister with the mint stamps. This was what really  ignited my frustration and caused me to up and leave the place with a  huge frown. I really did not understand why she could not let me see her  frank my envelope.
                I would learn the reason when I  received the cover. Thankfully, I sent my letter registered and so I  had proof of mailing which compelled the postal clerk to actually send  my letter. Perhaps, had I not sent the letter registered, it would have  conveniently found its way to the garbage bin and the lady would not be  “digging her own grave,” so to speak.
                The  reason why she refused to frank my cover with postage stamps is because  she never had the intention of doing so – at least with real postage  stamps. She used <span>FAKE</span> postage stamps on the cover.
                 I attach hereto a reproduction in black and white of the cover in  question, zoomed in to allow for a better view of the fake stamp, which  does not even have perforations! In fact, it seems that the stamp is  just a color photocopy done on normal typewriting paper and then cut  into squares of paper. Anyway, the main point is that it is fake.  Also, notice that the cancel on the cover is very heavy; most likely  this was an effort to cover up the fake stamp and make it less  noticeable. Ironically enough, it was this heavy cancel that initially  made me happy and caused me to further examine it (clear chops are a  rarity these days and cover collectors like me are very happy when we  receive them on our covers).
                To add insult to  injury, I was charged PhP 38 to send my letter. I have been made aware  that the tariff for a registered letter from Paoay to Metro Manila is  only PhP30. I do not mind shelling out the extra PhP 8 if it is for a  legitimate reason, but it is the idea that I was charged extra money  most probably to cover for the production cost of the fake stamp itself  that irks me! The audacious nerve of the postal clerk is just beyond me!
                 I do not write this letter as a disgruntled philatelist, but rather as a  concerned citizen. Actually, I should be a bit happy because the cover I  have in my collection with a fake stamp and clear cancels is a valuable  item, if not an interesting conversation piece. Many fellow collectors  from abroad have asked me to send them such a cover, but I told them  that I would not intentionally play a part in postal fraud and also that  Paoay is just too far away.
Beyond the issue of the stamp being a  curious philatelic novelty, consider the implications this may have on  your revenues as a government agency struggling to keep standing on its  own two feet. While Paoay may not have as many customers as other post  offices like those in metropolitan areas, it is still lost revenue on  the part of the PhilPost. This is not to mention the moral and ethical  dimension of this matter and the need for justice to be served. We  cannot successfully run a post office if its own employees are cheating  it. It would be like a worker hammering at a brick wall while his  co-workers are struggling to build it. And should this situation  escalate to a larger scale and see more and more postal clerks  committing fraud, the post office might shut down altogether. I am not  one to sit back and let that happen on my guard and certainly hope that  you are the same.
The Portuguese have a saying, “Água mole em pedra dura, tanto bate até que fura,” which  is roughly translated as, “Water dripping day by day wears the hardest  rock away.” I believe that we should not let this situation get out of  hand and that we should prevent it from boring a hole in the postal  system while we can. I hope you are of the same opinion and that you  also sense the same urgency that I do.
Should my participation be  required in further proceedings regarding this matter, I would like to  inform you beforehand that I will not be able to attend to such matters  after mid-May as I will be leaving the country for a few months, if not  for good. Thus, please do inform me as to how I can help and what more I  should do to see to it that this matter be addressed and resolved.

With  hope that we can work together in purging the post office of such  heinous and immoral practices as postal fraud practiced by none other  than postal clerks themselves, I remain

                                                                                                                                 Yours Most Sincerely,

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